Brian Prangle <> schrieb:
> <snip>
> Christoph - do we want to differentiate between
> Councils as to route colouring or just keep the standard you have set
> and add an operator= tag instead?

The map will probably become very cluttered if we use different
colouring for each council. I also do not think it is particularly
important to know which council is gritting a route. Since the
boundaries are on the map it is quite easy to find out without special
colours if someone really wants to know.

I am not sure if we need the operator= tag. We do not really need it as
long as we assume that all streets within a city boundary are gritted
by the respective city council. We can then simply query all gritting
routes within a boundary polygon or checking in wich council a road is
to find out.


> Regards
> Brian

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