Robert (Jamie) Munro wrote:
> Oxford is supposedly one of the better mapped cities in OSM, and looking
> at the map seems to agree, but a lot of problems show up when you try to
> route through it using Gosmore. See:
> which takes many no-car roads.

Chiefly The High, and Queen Street. The High currently does not carry
any access tags at all, but that's an easy fix (it's PSV/taxi/bike/foot
IIRC). More worryingly, gosmore is routing cars the wrong way down the
oneway=yes{--->},car=no Queen Street, if Potlatch's direction indicator
is to be believed and f{lat,lon} are the finishing location. Admittedly
that should be motorcar=no, but the alternative is so common that
gosmore should support it.

> This one works great if you are a bus, but not a car:

Magdalen Street East and George Street seem to be the mistakes here, but
would need to check.

> I'm not sure if the errors here are more in lack of tags specifying
> where cars can go, or gosmore not recognising them.

Seems to be a mix of both. It's possible that Gosmore is working from
old data and I'm not.

I feel a pub crawl^H^H^H^H^Hcity centre restrictions mapping party
coming on.

Andrew Chadwick

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