Richard Mann wrote:

> *** I would like feedback/discussion on this particular point - whether
> urban made-up and rural unmade footpaths should be tagged distinctively ***

They should receive different _sets_ of tags. But they are both
instances of highway=footway if they happen to be signposted. Your urban
built-up example:

  surface=paved (or concrete/tarmac/...)

your rural non-built-up example:

  surface=unpaved (or earth/mud/clay/grass/...)

highway=path says nothing specific about legal rights. So it might be
the right thing to use for a line-of-desire path / sheep track across
open access or common land areas: but only if that way isn't signposted
as anything special on the ground. I'd tag both the area and any h=p
through it with the same set of access tags, and try to join area to
perpendicular entering ways at a node (possibly a gate, cattle grid...)

Within urban areas I mostly default to highway=footway for unsignposted
urban cut-throughs simply because they tend to have more infrastructure
on the ground that you can use to grok the way's intended purpose.

Andrew Chadwick

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