I suggest you talk to them - it's a good idea for both parties. 

Cheers, Chris

Jason Cunningham wrote:
Has there been any contact in the past with ramblers groups to help mapping of footpaths in the countryside? We arrange mapping parties but often that involves preaching to converted.

I just had a look on the Ramblers Association website and their forum. A quick search shown no mention of openstreetmap, but does mention problems with OS and copyright, and mentiones use of GPSr's.
eg. (link 1) (link2) (link3) (link4)
They also have good advice on Public Rights of way and the law (link)

Since they are actively involved in protecting and using these footpaths the organisation or its members might be interested in the OSM project. As I said at the beginning, does anyone know if there has been any contact? If not its something I'd be willing to do since I've finally got a bit of spare time this summer

Jason Cunningham

2009/8/14 Nick Whitelegg <nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk>
>And just a quick reminder that the NPE edition map is available as on
>overlay in both JOSM and Potlatch editors


Caution is needed here though. I have an NPE map of the local area which I
sometimes use to locate possible rights of way in an area with which I am
unfamiliar. In about 80% of the cases, they are indeed rights of way,
however there are some false positives. So I'd recommend *not* tagging NPE
paths as rights of way unless you can get evidence on the ground.

Also there are a good number of rights of way not shown on the NPE map
(about half IMX)


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