We have created a new speed limit layer which renders both mph and
km/h speed limits on the same map. In addition to showing speed limits
it also shows sections of speed limit enforced using average speed
camera as a black border to the road (using either
enforcement:maxspeed=average). There are only two sections in the UK
so far, one on the A14 near Cambridge and the other on the A77 north
up near Preswick. In time it will also show fixed speed camera
locations but we are waiting for a new big hairy server to arrive
before we can deploy that functionality.

There is also a new speed limits fixme layer which highlights normal
mph speed limits in light blue, normal km/h speed limits in light
green, limits that are applicable to both places in grey ('signals' is
the only current value there); understood but non numeric values in
orange, 'national' in dark red and other values in bright red.

In the UK we need to check for green (which are in km/h), red (which
are not recognised as either km/h or mph) and arguably also dark red
and orange.



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