On 10/01/12 18:19, Peter Miller wrote:

Regarding OS copyright, the OS do not claim derived copyright any more for 3rd party content that is displayed on an OS map just so long as they do not present that sort of feature on their mapping. As such any copyright infringement would be with the government, not the OS in my view.

I'm not sure that is true. OS have confirmed that they do not claim derived copyright from their Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA) users (such as local authorities), but they have refused to confirm that that applies to anyone else. Ed Parsons pressed OS, as have I, with no firm response AFAIK.

I have also had a response from the Forestry Commission about this matter. They seem to imply an even tighter interpretation that only PSMA users are free from copyright issues with other PSMA derivative works.

None of this affects the OS OpenData of course.

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

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