I am trying to find the history of the relation covering the Weardale Way (
86561 ).   I can view the relation itself ok at
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/86561, but when I try to view
the history of it with
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/86561/history, I always get a
'sorry...took too long to retrieve' error.
Does anyone know an alternative way of finding out who edited it before me?

Alternatively, I'll ask the question here in case the other user reads this

During the Summer I had a go at mapping the Weardale Way from Killhope
eastwards.   We found it very poorly signposted and there seem to be quite
a few branches off it according to the signs (I suspect that the 'official'
route may have changed, but there are some old signs still in place on the
ground).   Since then someone has had a good go at finishing it off, and it
looks like it is complete all the way to the coast now (

We were out near Wolsingham yesterday (
and I found another 'Weardale Way' public footpath sign, that seems to form
a spur off to the West of Wolsingham...but I didn't see any other signs, so
it looks like a path to nowhere.

I am minded to believe that the sign I saw with 'Weardale Way' written on
it was a mistake and it should have been a plain 'public footpath' sign,
but I do not know how to check this.   I wondered if whoever had completed
the Weardale Way had another source of information about the route that we
can use in OSM to check it.   If we can confirm that the sign is incorrect,
I will remove the extra spur path from the route.

On a related subject, there are a lot of signs for a 'Mineral Valleys Walk'
in that area that take you past a lot of old industrial artefacts - I'll
have a go at mapping that in the Spring if anyone would like to help.



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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