Good to see the data being released,
But.... I don't believe this "proposed" route should yet be added to OSM.
You'll regularly here the phrase  "map what's on the ground", but we all(?)
accept upcoming changes to "what's on the ground" can be mapped, and these
upcoming changes to the land are mapped using the proposed tag (then
construction tag).
Not much guidance is given for when a plan has reached a status that fits
with the 'proposed' tag. I'd hope everyone would agree that to map
*any*proposal, whatever the source, would be ridiculous.

I've only added one 'proposed' route and that was in winter 2011. The route
was South Devon Link Road
was proposed in the 1950's, but constantly been put to the back of the
queue. Last summer as the likely hood of it happening started to increase I
looked at the 'proposal' tag wiki page for the first time, and it wasn't
much help. Looking at the 50 years of setbacks this route suffered I think
it demonstrates a route must be "likely certain" to proceed before it's
added to the map. For the UK I think this means two tests
1. The proposal has, at least, outline planning permission
2. The proposal has funding in place
3. The proposal is also likely to proceed. (eg Developer hasn't pulled out)

So for the South Devon Link Road, I added it this winter after (1) It had
planning permission, (2)Funding had been allocated and (3) the local
authorities have announced it they'll now proceed with the project.
The HS2 had funding in place (although is reasonable to be cynical about
spending allocated to future governments), and is likely to proceed, but it
does not have planning permission.

Therefore I believe the HS2 route should not yet be added. Many active
mappers of OSM, including me, have some level of bias in favour of high
quality transport networks, but we shouldn't let that impact on how we
choose what's added to OSM.

All the above doesn't change the fact that the current 'proposed' tag is
very generous and would appears to allows adding proposals that will not


On 23 January 2012 17:37, Peter Miller <> wrote:

> We had a discussion recently about getting a usable source of route data
> for HS2.
> I am pleased to say that it is on and is available on an OGL
> license.
> Can we get to use this as a backdrop in Potlatch or JOSM to get the route
> added?
> Regards,
> Peter
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