I have had similar issues, but without the abusive farmer in your part of
the world? (Weardale).  My old OS map said the Weardale w
Way went through this field, and there was a waymark at the junction with
the road, but once in the (very large!) field, there was no obvious way out
- just rusty gates and barbed wire - I think the route was changed, but
they didn't take down all the old waymarks, which left a lot of paths to
nowhere.....   Can't remember how I mapped that in the end....


> I had walked across his field according to the map which was a couple of
> years old and got to the end of the field to find a padlocked gate. I
> returned back to the sign and it was pointing in a different direction
> (straight ahead) and also had 3 way markers all pointing straight ahead. I
> presumed the route had been changed so followed the arrow after a about 50
> yards I heard various abuse from over the wall. The farmer was angry that
> we weren't following the map and could we read one. We explained (or tried
> to) but he said the gate was someone elses and that was the only way we
> could go. There were no visible paths on the ground in any direction.
> --
Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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