lsces <> writes:

> "Disclaimer: I wrote Routino, so I might be slightly biased. "
> Andrew
> Added that to my list, but I find it a little cumbersome with respect to the
> other options. Having now got osrm working on my own server, the way that
> you can drag the route around is very nice. That said, my main 'problem'
> with the current routing engines is their novel way of identifying one's
> motion at a change of route such as at a roundabout. What prompted me to dig
> deeper was being in the wrong lane on the M25 because of these 'mistakes' :(
> Oh and making this work well on a tablet/smartphone. Your website is a bit
> heavy for that target.

Your feedback is useful, even if slightly negative.

When you say cumbersome I guess that you a referring to the web
interface rather than the command line version?  I have always
considered the web interface as a secondary part of Routino.  It is
however a necessary feature for allowing the primary feature - the
routing software - to be displayed.  Unfortunately when I wrote the
web interface the only choice was OpenLayers but it seems that most
maps these days are using Leaflet.

If you have any more feedback, particularly about the quality of the
routing instructions, I would be interested to hear it (off-list if
you prefer).

Andrew M. Bishop                     

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