Matt wrote:

> This looks really useful, thanks. It might also be worth checking the
> 'operator' tag as well as many banks have that tagged rather (or
> maybe
> as well as) than the name

All suggestions greatfully received. If you refresh now, an operator starting 
"Lloyds TSB" will trump whatever is in the name field (as this is for 
remapping). Other operator values are ignored still. If you click on an icon 
the name value is in quotes and the operator in brackets (so you might have 
'Lloyds "Lloyds" (Lloyds TSB)' if the name has been updated but not the 
operator - that first Lloyds I should probably lose as it is a hangover from 
when the page I used as a source showed hotel or whatever as the type before 
the name, whereas my types are based on the name so tend to match).


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