On 18/10/14 17:53, Lester Caine wrote:

When referring to access rules signs will often say 'Buses and Taxis' or
'Buses Only' rather than 'PSV' simply because school buses may not hold
PSV licences. So ARE there examples where 'PSV' is a valid restriction
and has anybody issued school buses using the route with tickets;)  It
is any use of 'psv' in relation to access which is of dubious provenance
in OSM and even Taxi needs to be qualified where local rules add other
limits such as only Black cabs in London.

In reality the real world is a lot more complicated than fits a simple set of tags model. There is a road near me which can only be entered by "local buses" and bicycles, from one end, according to signage, although pedestrians are clearly allowed and there is little doubt that it is adopted. More general traffic is allowed the other way, although the most obvious feeder is signed as destination only (I guess the other feeder is such a round-about route that they didn't think it worth signing a destination restriction).

I'd need to check, but I think the bus restriction is mapped as a turn restriction, which is how I think it is done on the ground, but the local element of the restriction is not coded.

I guess the local buses restriction really means only those operated by recognized operators, so one could argue that it actually private access for buses in the bus only direction (but public for foot and bicycle).

Splitting the carriageways would just be confusing, as there is no central barrier.

Bus stations tend to get coded as psv=yes (or maybe bus=yes) when they are probably only by prior agreement.

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