Hi Andy,

> Ireland (the island) is normally handled as one entity in OSM, so tends to be covered by the talk-ie list and the #osm-ie IRC channel. > This makes some sort of sense even in the context of admin boundaries as as I understand it the underlying Townland etc. structure predates the establishment of "Northern Ireland" (the part of Ulster that is in the UK).

Oops, something i was not aware of. And you are right, that makes sense.

> Someone from the Irish community has already answered your original question over here: http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=573526#p573526 That links to http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Ireland/Boundaries

I did not check the uk forum after "switching" to talk-gb. Sorry for that. And thank's for the link.

> As has already been said, politically it's complicated... : http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=573232#p573232

I know, but i think that has nothing to do with this "strange" al5-boundaries. I'll check the links right now and may be i ask the irishmen again.


btw: i'm delivering admin boundaries for the whole world: https://osm.wno-edv-service.de/boundaries/ You may select, view and download them for free and of course use them in your applications. I got questions from my "customers" asking me "What the hell is going on in Northern Ireland? No boundaries there - only AL10? We can't use it for our Applications."

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