Hi Chris,

I don't think any of us are members of the import mailing list and I don't
see the point of joining any more mailing lists. They represent an arcane
20th century solution that allows a few negative comments to derail a
locally supported project.

Mailing list posts drift off topic way too easily any it's never clear when
"consensus" is found. Richard F did the right thing in 2013 when he quit
them and I encourage others to do the same

Few people replied to Brian's messages on the local list as we had already
discussed and agreed it. Thus for every negative email there are usually
many people who support it but just don't post.

Far from a bad import i think this is a great example to hold up as a good
case study. Who else would spend an hour a week in the data providers
office discussing not just the current data but methodologies for keeping
it up to date.

The new and old data is being consolidated as Brian mentioned in his post
yesterday. Everything is in hand, so no need to worry.

We are making huge strives forwards in the West Midlands and I'm looking
forward to Open Data becoming the norm as a result of Brian's hard work.


P.s. this is being done by the local community not OSM UK which is still
working up it's first project. As a fellow Director however I fully support
Brian. I'm glad we have set up OSM UK and I hope it can get involved in
similar projects where it is provided the devolved powers it needs to cater
for it's community rather than leaving those decisions to an unclear
"central power" that goes round in circles effectively preventing any new
ideas seeing the light of day.
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