...Or, looking at their website, it is a charity, so perhaps that makes it a 
"social facility"?
Oh BTW, it is "St John Ambulance", not "St John's Ambulance" (I don't know why, 
but it is...)
See St John Ambulance - the nation’s leading first aid charity

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St John Ambulance - the nation’s leading first aid charity

First aid is a simple skill with an incredible impact. We want everyone to 
learn it, so that they can be the dif...



 Peter Neale 
t: 01908 309666 
m: 07968 341930 
skype: nealepb 

    On Wednesday, 10 July 2019, 21:20:36 BST, Peter Neale via Talk-GB 
<talk-gb@openstreetmap.org> wrote:  
 Personally, I would have thought of it as a club, in which first aid is 
taught, as a hobby ( No offence intended to any St John volunteers)

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 at 20:30, Mark Goodge<m...@good-stuff.co.uk> wrote:   

On 10/07/2019 19:08, Ben Proctor wrote:
> Hello mapping people
> There is a building and yard in Hereford used by St John's Ambulance. 
> The building functions as a meeting venue (like a scout hut but for St 
> John's) and some vehicles are stored in the yard.
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.06051/-2.71419
> How would you tag this?
> It's currently amenity=doctors which doesn't seem right. 
> emergency=ambulance_station doesn't seem to describe this use.
> I was heading down amenity=community_centre route but I'm not sure 
> that's right either.
> A quick search for St John's Ambulance reveals a wider range of 
> approaches in other areas.

I'd be inclined to go for community centre, in this case. It isn't an 
emergency ambulance station, which is what the 
emergency=ambulance_station tag is for (and, in any case, is rapidly 
becoming obsolete with the new distributed means of organising an 
ambulance service), and it isn't a doctor or a clinic either. And the 
main purpose of the building (as opposed to the yard) is for things like 
first aid training (both for St John volunteers themselves and the wider 
community). So a community centre is probably closest.



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