I come from a database background, and when a question isn't easily
answered with Taginfo or Overpass Turbo I jump to my trusty local postgres
database of UK data. I have a script that downloads the British Isles from
Geofabrik, loads it with osm2pgsql, adds some useful indexes, and then
removes Eire. Thereafter I can run SQL queries across the whole database to
get 'UK-wide' results.

I think that this would be useful for people on hackdays and the like and
would be a good service for OSMUK to provide, so have just added a new
github repository https://github.com/osm-uk/osmuk2pgsql

Friendly-worded Issues are welcome, as are code contributions. I'd like to
put it on a Docker environment so that it works quickly-and-easily on
Windows, Linux, Mac, whatever.

Comments? Thoughts?

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