I'm inclined to think that it is the areas that are restricted and not the
postboxes, and hence map them as normal.

I've had a similar issue with clothes recycling boxes on school premises.

On Sun, 1 Mar 2020, 15:56 Dan Glover, <d...@dgsys.co.uk> wrote:

> So it’s March, the sun is shining here and it’s time to go back out in
> pursuit of post boxes and other OSM things.
> While working through the CT postal area three things have come up which
> maybe need further thought:
> -          Some boxes are located within MOD or other restricted access
> sites.  To those inside the fence they are normal facilities but perhaps
> they’re not an “amenity” in the sense of being available to the general
> public.  This also tends to inhibit surveying.
> -          Royal Mail data from 2013 in some cases includes “private
> boxes”, one local example is in the reception area of an hotel.  There is a
> mail collection from the building but there’s a conventional pillar box
> within 200 m.  These probably aren’t an “amenity” in general terms.  The RM
> data treats them inconsistently, they’re not all listed.
> -          There are boxes inside some supermarkets. They are also on
> private property however the public is encouraged to visit the premises.
> Those in Tesco and Asda, maybe others, tend to be tall GRP boxes of this
> style (a variation with clear back is used at airports and other places
> where security might be a concern)
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Post_box_at_ASDA,_Smithdown_Road.jpg.
> These are owned and operated by RM in the normal fashion.  In the past
> Sainsbury’s had boxes carrying advertising and often labelled MIDI POST or
> similar, in this style
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Post_box_CH49_15_in_Sainsbury,_Upton.jpg
> I understand these were “private” in RM terms and the third party which
> managed them went into administration, following which most were removed.
> However due to RM’s inconsistent data some appear in the 2013 FOI release.
> Is there an appropriate way to handle the first two cases?  Should they be
> in OSM at all, or shown with a tag to indicate restricted access?
> As for the Sainsbury’s boxes it may be the best thing is to treat all of
> them as requiring a check to confirm whether the facility still exists.
> Dan
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