Nice one. I've been wanting to do this for ages.

Re: file size. Can JOSM and iD display Mapbox .pbf vector tiles? These
would be smaller.

On Sat, 17 Oct 2020, 00:22 Rob Nickerson, <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just in time for the AGM, I have just published OSM UK's first tile layer.
> No don't get too excited it is not a full map render. Instead I have
> produced a very simple tiling of the Land Registry polygon data now that
> this is under the OGL Open Data Licence. My view is that this is a good
> layer to align our mapping too - i.e. when tracing from imagery we should
> first align the imagery to the Land Registry polygon layer before tracing
> from the imagery.
> The tile URL for JOSM is:
> tms[13,17]:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
> And for now this is *York only* as an example.
> Feedback that I would appreciate:
>    - Is this worthwhile?
>    - Do you agree that it makes sense for us to all try to align our
>    mapping to this (i.e. apply imagery offsets to align imagery to this before
>    tracing)?
>    - The style is very simple with just a 4 pixel red line. Is this
>    sufficient? What changes can be made?
>    - Any tips on how to keep the PNG file sizes as small as possible? For
>    now I am using the Mapnik rule "png8:c=2:t=1:m=o". Is there anything that
>    can yield smaller file sizes?
>    - What max zoom is worthwhile? Currently it goes to 17, is this enough?
> Our plan would be to pre-render all the tiles and host them on our site.
> The data doesn't change much so we would only re-render on request or once
> a year. My estimate is that we'd need 35GB for tiles to zoom level 17, and
> 133 GB to get everything to zoom 18. Our current server is on the small
> side with just 512MB memory and a 100GB disk allowance. It is unsuitable
> for on the fly rendering and we'd need more disk space to get the level 18
> zoom. A beefier server is of course possible but any bump in specs comes
> with an equal bump in costs so worth checking this is worthwhile before
> proceeding.
> P.S. The Land Registry themselves host this data on a WMS service rather
> than a TMS (tile) service. This makes it possible to zoom much further in.
> If you want to have a look at that detail you can use their website or
> (temporarily) use the following URL in JOSM. Please don't use this for
> mapping as we don't have permission to use their WMS service
> wms:
> <>
> Best regards,
> *Rob*
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