Eklateeee!!!!!! So Derchy and Bully i am proud of you guys!!! As we
planned, I am online for any question during the interview, cours or radio
training! So lets go guys! Lets go!
On Sep 28, 2013 8:57 AM, "Jean Bully PROPHETE" <jeanbu...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   Schneider Remy and Jean Bully Prophete are invited to talk about OSM and
> related option (Mobile app, crisis utility, ...) on Radio Lumiere.
>             This event is in about three (3) hours and can listened on
> www.radiolumiere.org .
> The eventual issue is for those who do not speak creole because we will be
> interviewed in creole.
> If you are in Haiti turn your radio to 97.7 FM.
> OSM is to great to be unknown.
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