Hi Bianca.

Welcome to OSM! From an OSM level, no. There are no “organisations”. Many people would really want to do it, and some people are working on adding that functionality to the OSM website code (“Microcosms”) but that hasn't been finished.

It's great that you want to help do a project. Please keep us informed. The OSM community has written some guidelines for how to successfully run an organisated editing project: https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Organised_Editing_Guidelines

On 07/07/2020 14:37, Bianca Pereira wrote:

   New member here :) Apologies in advance if my questions are too naive.

    I am organising an initiative to map footpaths around three cities in
Ireland using OSM and Mapillary. In Mapilary we can create an Organisation
as a way to aggregate and visualise all contributions made as part of an
initiative. Is there any way to do the same within OSM?

   I know there is the option to create a task (as in
https://tasks.openstreetmap.ie/) or to include a hashtag within a commit.
But is there any way to retrieve and visualise only the information (nodes,
ways and areas) submitted as part of mapping the task or using the hashtag?

   Best Regards,
   Bianca Pereira
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