On Mon, 16 Feb 2009 23:25:33 +0530
"Shajeer Mohammed" <shaj...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Here is page of ECI that has shape files for assembly and parliament 
> constituencies here  (Thanks to PradeepBV)
> Each sate is in a separate file and all the polygons can be merged to get a 
> state by state outline
> http://www.eci.gov.in/GisLayers/gis_layers.asp

Thanks. Will look into this. I also have country/state/district
data for India from a "free" site, but there were no clear
licensing terms.

> They have put the license terms here 
> http://www.eci.gov.in/DevForum/DevForum.asp     

> Any thoughts on importing this to OSM?

IMHO, the licensing terms need to be clarified, as the above
page says "is being put in Public Domain under MIT Style License",
which is a little too vague for my taste. I will try talking
to some contacts in the Election Commission.


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