> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Kiran Jonnalagadda <j...@pobox.com>
> wrote:
> > Tagging a slum on OSM will likely do nothing to change the situation on
> the
> > ground, but it makes one wonder exactly what sort of tool the map is ...

> OpenStreetMaps are and can be used for not only during navigation. Tagging
> slums thus increases the potentiality of maps being used for other purposes.
>> OSM needs to depict ground realities.
If the objection is regarding the use of the word 'slum', then we can
probably think of a better word. But i do feel that such unauthorized
housing land has its place on a map as it is distinctly different from a
normal residential locality with reference to amenities, hygiene, security,
wealth and a lot more factors.

All the data that is currently on OSM (and any map in general) can be used
for a whole range of uses, from good to bad, depending on who is using it,
and the Indian govt has raised its voice enough over google earth regarding
this. If such data can empower property developers against the community (i
would think that property developers already have such data at their
fingertips), i'm also sure that they can empower a whole group of people to
work for the betterment of society. Slum's after all are a reality in our
cities, and i dont see any harm in recognizing that.

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