



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ka-Ping Yee <k...@google.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 05:32:43 -0800
Subject: Ushahidi instance (osmemo.wizu.jp) on Google Crisis landing page?
To: Christiaan Adams <csad...@google.com>
Cc: Imad Ahmed <iah...@alumni.ls.berkeley.edu>, "S.Higashi"
<s_hig...@mua.biglobe.ne.jp>, Ryan Falor <rfa...@google.com>, Prem
Ramaswami <pr...@google.com>

Hi S. Higashi,

What is the load capacity of your Ushahidi site?  I would like to link to it
from the Google crisis page for Japan, but it could bring you very heavy
traffic and I am afraid it might bring your site down.  Can you advise us on
what your site can handle?

Hi Christiaan,

Yes, my intention was to add the Ushahidi KML layer to our landing page map,
and include a link to the site as well.  I think it will be useful to get
the KML generation working well in any case, so please work with them on
that if you can.  Even if we cannot link directly to the site, we can still
periodically grab a snapshot of the KML and get it visible on our landing

Thanks everyone!

Google Crisis Response

On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 22:11, Christiaan Adams <csad...@google.com> wrote:

> +S.Higashi, who I was put in touch with earlier today about the Ushahidi
> instance.  He added the new KML plugin I'm building to the instance, and it
> sort-of worked... produced a KML good file on the server, but failed to zip
> it into the KMZ that is to be served to the user.
> Ping,
> Please keep me in the loop on including the Ushahidi instance on our
> landing page.  If it's just a link to the site, that's great, but if you
> want to pull in the data through KML, I can help get good KML... just may
> not be straight forward unless we can get the necessary zip libraries
> installed on the server.
> Daniel, S.Higashi, and anyone else working on the new mirror or install,
> please keep us in the loop on plans & status.  It would be great if we could
> get the KML feed working so that the data can be shared, all the sites that
> share it can send traffic & users back your site.  Even if we can't get the
> zip code working, we may be able to figure out a workaround to zip and
> re-host the data on our servers.  Let us know what we can do to help, and
> email me directly if you need another copy of the KML plugin code.
> Thanks!
> -Christiaan
> ----------------------------------
> Christiaan Adams
> Google Earth Outreach  http://earth.google.com/outreach
> Google Crisis Response, Google.org   http://www.google.org
> ----------------------------------
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> please let the sender know it went to the wrong person. Thanks.
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Imad Ahmed <
> iah...@alumni.ls.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> I'm afraid I don't know the people who are running the 
>> osmemo.wizu.jpUshahidi site. If anyone does, please let Ping know.
>> On 11 March 2011 23:32, Ka-Ping Yee <k...@google.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Imad,
>>> Can you put me in touch with the people which are running the
>>> osmemo.wizu.jp  ushahidi site?  We're considering linking/overlaying on
>>> the Google crisis page, but want to do this in a way that doesn't overwhelm
>>> the site with traffic.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ―Ping
>>> Google Crisis Response
>>> On Mar 11, 2011 8:18 PM, "Imad Ahmed" <iah...@alumni.ls.berkeley.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > FYI - Japanese students at The Fletcher School, MIT and at Harvard have
>>> > resolved to use
>>> > http://osmemo.wizu.jp/ to map reports that they hear of / read,
>>> primarily
>>> > from
>>> > http://savejapan.simone-inc.com/
>>> >
>>> > I think the following website was already distributed amongst this list
>>> for
>>> > finding people, but it wouldn't hurt to mention it again:
>>> > http://japan.person-finder.appspot.com/?lang=en
>>> >
>>> > Best,
>>> > Imad
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Imad Ahmed
>>> > Master of International Business
>>> > Schmidheiny Global Business Scholar
>>> > The Fletcher School | Tufts University
>>> > imadahmed.com
>>> >
>>> > --
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