I've just committed the latest versions of the scripts we can use to
extract netherlands from the planet dump and the script to determine
what needs to be deleted. In theory everyone should be able to do it
one their own machine.

Currently it just cuts out the netherlands, excluding Nueuen (the only
exclusion polygon currently defined). It looks like it works well,

If people could try this out and let me know if they find any problems.

Note the output is currently in planetdiff, but it can also do josm
format. I might change it to osmChange, I'm at this point not sure
which is the best.

The steps are:

1. Checkout applications/utils from the openstreetmap svn. You can use
an existing checkout, just make sure it's completely up to date (it
uses scripts from nearby directories also).

svn co http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/

2. cd utils/and_import
3. Edit Makefile to indicate where you store your *unpacked* planet dump
4. Run make and go to lunch

If everything works you should be done in about 45 minutes. There is a
progress meter.

Now in the data subdirectory you will have a number of files but the
inportant ones are:

data/nld.osm   - The extracted parts of the netherlands
data/nld-delete.osm  - The list of what needs to be deleted (in
planetdiff format)

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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