They are a little harder to process and will generate a larger fault;
but it can be done this way.

Most important thing is creating ground control points. Make sure you
have visually identifiable objects on the ground that you can use to get
as gps coordinates that are as *exact* as possible

I know that you are a bit left in the blind as not the entire process is
well documented, I will try to see if something can be done about this.

Valent Turkovic schreef:
> On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 13:36:14 +0100, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert
> Gremmen wrote:
>> I suggest that you climb a tower of flat and make some 45 degree
>> pictures...
> Arent photos from 45 degrees much harder to use than aerial photos shot 
> from above? 
> What should I do after I shoot photos from 45 degrees angle? How do I 
> make orthophotos from them?

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