
As you all know, we are currently in Candaba, Pampanga for our first
LGU training.
Other than the limited connectivity, everything is working out fine.
We've covered a few areas today and added many POIs.  One appeal from
the Candaba LGU is for the OSM-PH community to help in improving the
map.  I created a tasking manager job for this:


Please take a task and edit whatever you can to improve the map.  The
imagery is fairly recent (October 2012, negligible offset) and the
Candaba mappers think very little has changed since.  Priority
features they want added are:

- roads and bridges - for routing during emergency
- waterways - to understand probable paths of floods
- location of settlements (landuse=residential) - for locating
population centers at risk
- landuse (mostly agriculture) – for understanding damages to the economy
- buildings – minor priority for now but good to have this data

We will also use the tasking manager tomorrow.  Advance thanks you for helping.

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
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