*How to map adjacent landuse types?*
If the owner of the landuse separated by roads are different, it is
appropriate to have them created as separate land use.
If not, I suggest to have them treated as one, such as a residential area
where you do not need to separate the residential area on both sides of the
road just to give way for the road.
But if this is water, it is fine to make them separate as a road is not
possible in the middle of a water unless it is a bridge (e.g. fish pond)

I suggest that relations must only be used for "special" purposes such as
there are two many nodes for a single polygon or when there are a lot of
ways that must be placed on top of each other which makes them hard to edit
if made as polygons and not as a multipolygon using relations.

*What tag to use for fish ponds.*
As fish thrives in water i suggest natural:water ; crop=fish

*Poultry farms*
landuse:farmland ;  crop:chicken

*Waterway tagging (suggestion) :*
Rivers: if the width of the flowing body of water seems to be wider than 50
meters and deeper than 10 meters
streams: if smaller than my concept of a river
irrigation canal: a stream if it is natural ; a drain if it is artificial

Ervin M.
*Schadow1 Expeditions* - A Filipino must not be a stranger to his own

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 6:29 PM, maning sambale

> Hi,
> Below are some tagging questions we experienced during the trainings.
> I am sending it here for further discussions and hopefully agreements.
> Landuse
> - How to map adjacent landuse types?  For those separated by roads, do
> we use the same nodes as the other landuse?  I personally prefer to
> separate the landuse areas if there is a road but I'm open to other
> suggestions.
> - Is it better to use relations? From a data perspective landuse
> polygons should be relation multipolygons however, the concept of
> using relations is very hard to teach for newbies?
> What tag to use for:
> - Fishponds (currently we use landuse=farm; crop=fish)
> - Poultry farms
> Waterway tagging
> - Difference between rivers, streams and irrigation canals
> --
> cheers,
> maning
> ------------------------------------------------------
> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
> wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
> blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
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