Apollinaris Schoell wrote:
> over all this is a complex topic, maybe I should summarize some  
> obervations
> tiger data is that the quality is from excellent to really bad in  
> accuracy
> tiger data is old and contains abandoned roads
> tiger has no level info, no direction for oneways, no turn  
> restrictions, or any other fancy info which we add in osm

This isn't in itself such a bad thing if we had access to free extremely
high res aerial photography of the entire US.  And by high-res, I mean,
can clearly read pavement markings, see rubber marks and which way cars
on the street are facing.  This wasn't something I really noticed as a
problem until I moved to Salem:  Yahoo!'s aerial photography for
Portland is sourced from Metro Regional Government's public photography,
and is *extremely* high resolution, but south of roughly
Wilsonville/Donald/Aurora/Fargo area, the best you're getting is
relatively low-resolution and almost uselessly old USGS photography.

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