I have been trying to make routable garmin maps with mkgmap, and more or
less succeeding.  In Mass I have maps that look good but computing
routes over any significant distance totally fails, as in you get a
route apparently from a basemap.  I was recently driving to a place
within Stow from Cambridge (many towns away), and getting basemap
routes.  I did a recalculate just after passing the Maynard/Stow border
and got a correct route.  People on thee mkgmap list had pointed out
problems on 128 with ways not being connected.

I looked at the area in question, and found that there are two ways for
the main road, one in each town (at least near the border).  They each
end at a different node with the same coordinates.  I have just merged
those nodes, and some others, but there appear to be massive numbers of
duplicate nodes.

I'll see after this update makes its way into my garmin maps if that
makes routing work, and try a routing plugin in josm.  But I think we
need some sort of "find duplicate nodes, and if they match properties,
or just have different massgis import dates, merge them" bot.  This is
beyond my clue level presently.

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