On Nov 13, 2009, at 11:11 PM, SteveC wrote:

> Dave
> I've looked at the two you sent me and they're both basically fine but for 
> two things.
> In Denver the houses are all set back a lot further, so some way to say 'on 
> north-south roads, set back X feet' might help a lot. Or, in JOSM just search 
> for all the ways that make up the addressing on one side of the street and 
> move them manually. Many times for each one.
> In San Francisco, for divided highways the old TIGER data used to bow in to a 
> point every block and we had, I think, automated ways to split those out in 
> to two straight lines. This is reflected with little bows on the address 
> lines at each intersection - see guerrero for example.
> Otherwise looks good to me! What are your plans?

when I say looks good, I mean within the bounds of the underlaying data of 
course :-)

> Yours &c.
> Steve
> On Nov 13, 2009, at 4:57 PM, Dave Hansen wrote:
>> So, just like the original TIGER import, I'm now grossly stealing
>> someone else's code:
>> http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/import/tiger2osm/shape_to_osm-Tiger.py
>> and I now have made some .osm files with Karlruhe Scheme addressing
>> ways.  I'm not going to post them publicly.  I did that for the original
>> TIGER, and some enterprising folks took them and uploaded without
>> mentioning it to anyone and it turned into a big mess with no
>> coordination.
>> If anyone wants to see the data for their county, let me know.  I'll
>> send you a copy of what I have.  All you have to do is convince me that
>> you'll never upload these initial data under any circumstances. :)  
>> We'll work on making sure that these data look good and I think some
>> people have some plans on how to get these integrated a bit at a time.
>> -- Dave
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Yours &c.


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