On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 13:29 -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Used state data instead, if I were to do a mass import.  Oregon GEO
> knows what they're doing, the US Census (along with the rest of the
> federal government) barely acknowledges we exist.  Which would you
> rather trust?
> 1) Known good data from a regional government agency that's receiving
> it's information directly from the Department of Transportation...
> or
> 2) A bunch of minimum wage lackeys who don't want to be out in the rain
> and aren't motivated to do it right?

Heh, I didn't even know we had Oregon data available.  

If someone wants to work to get this data into OSM format, I'd be happy
to help.  We could probably replace bad TIGER spots or use it to fix up
existing data.

-- Dave

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