On 20 April 2010 05:24, Apollinaris Schoell <ascho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sounds a lot like the IMO ill-considered road name expansion that was
>> apparently agreed upon by a small group of people without input from the
>> majority of active mappers whose work has been damaged.
> agreed, no idea why this was done. it's a change without much benefit but 
> lot's of damage.

Where's damage in that -- is it in that you can now read the name out
without checking the documentation for what that funny string means in
that particular database that is TIGER?  You can now also write an
intelligent search engine that will understand both forms, you can
pipe the names through text-to-speach and do a lot more.

The reason it was done with a script is that doing it manually was
taking a lot of time and mappers were spending that time doing this
instead of going out mapping.  And it's always been on the wiki about
not using abbreviated names, even when the original import was done,
ignoring this.


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