On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 19:24, Alan Mintz <alan_mintz+...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Exactly! Sounds like it's only useful purpose is text-2-speech. Here's what
> I'd like to see:
> name: The pre-balrog name
> name_direction_prefix: The 1-2 char cardinal direction before the root
> use_name_direction_prefix: {yes|no} Yes indicates that the
>   name_direction_prefix should be rendered/spoken
> name_root: The actual root of the name
> name_direction_suffix: The 1-2 char cardinal direction after the root
> name_type: {St|Ave|Blvd|etc.} Common, documented abbreviations allowed
> render_name: The name to be rendered on a map (if not name for some reason)
> spoken_name: The complete expanded name, ready for text-2-speech
> The post-balrog name should go into spoken_name for now. The pre-balrog
> name would be restored to the name tag and also split up into the name_* tags.
> In areas where the name_direction_prefix is really an address suffix, and
> does not appear in front of the name in written or spoken addresses or in
> official records, it could then be removed from the name, render_name, and
> spoken_name tags by someone who has verified this, where appropriate.

I'm thinking that most of these proposed fields could be computed if
one has only name_root (currently stored in the database as
tiger:name_base) and spoken_name; if name_root (or root_name or
base_name or whatever) is not a substring of spoken_name then a
Quality Assurance tool could flag it. If andrzej limited changes to
ways with tiger:name_base and kept that field then I don't think any
information was lost.

use_name_direction_prefix seems uncomputable. Also, it suggests that
spoken_name might not coincide with a "full" expansion of name. Are
there examples that tourists from a neighboring state would use? "I-5
North" could be phrased as "Northbound I-5", but I'm guessing you have
other examples in mind.

> A bot and/or editor functionality to populate any missing tags, so you're
> not forcing anyone to input in one way or the other. Personally, I would
> mostly populate the component tags with "the truth" and let the
> editors/bots do whatever else.

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