On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Mike N <nice...@att.net> wrote:
> On 1/15/2012 12:45 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
>> I only map two separate ways when there's a median you can't cross, so
>> the two directions are physically separate. By that rationale, it should
>> be one way feature. I am curious if other mappers use the same convention.
>  I agree with that method.   Since navigation apps area very useful
> application of OSM data, visualize driving the road and turning left
> anywhere, as opposed to being directed to the next intersection and told to
> make a  U turn.   Similarly when being directed out of a location left onto
> the road, directions should be to turn left instead of right+U turn when
> there's no driving median separator.

The only exception I'd make is that if there are markings or signs
explicitly prohibiting use of a paved, flat median (for example, in
many US states, a lengthy cross-hatched median or a median with
double-yellow lines on both sides is legally a divider in addition to
not being a travel lane) separate ways should be mapped, since legally
you can't turn across those medians, by analogy with "managed HOV"
lanes like those on I-635 in Dallas where you're only allowed to
enter/exit the HOV at designated points even though there is no
physical barrier and it's all one giant expanse of pavement.

Chris Lawrence <lordsu...@gmail.com>

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