Scott Rollins writes:
 > I'll just say that, whether "bug" or "feature," this message perfectly
 > encapsulates why I am unwilling to spend my time working on OSM. I don't
 > want to waste my time, and by not having a good place to learn what to do,

Scott, what Fred said! You don't need to be an expert in all things
OSM to be able to contribute one thing to OSM. You could, for example,
just put in some park benches (amenity=bench), or a foot path through
a local town park (highway=footway), or some fire hydrants
(emergency=fire_hydrant). Or trace some buildings (building=yes).

The main point is for you to contribute the things that you love, to
share them with other people. I'm a railfan, so I've added every
railroad in New York State that ever existed to OSM (except most
trolley lines, because they usually don't show up anymore). And maybe
I've done some things wrong, but nobody has complained to me yet, and
if they do, I'll re-do whatever's wrong simply because I want OSM to
be the best map of NY railroads anywhere.

--my blog is at
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