Hi all!

Since Ian Dees recently brought up the OSM-US servers, I thought I'd mention that I'm reviving my old TopOSM project which - for those who haven't seen it - is a US-wide topo map using OSM data [1]. This time it's updated with carto styling, tilestache compositing and support for on-the-fly rendering.

Ian already helped me set up a small demo:

http://www.openstreetmap.us/~lahlzen/toposm2.html <http://www.openstreetmap.us/%7Elahlzen/toposm2.html>

It's a little rough around the edges and still missing many features, but I think it could become useful. I was playing with the idea of eventually offering this as a US-specific map layer on the OSM-US server. Does this sound like a good idea?

Besides the cartography, a fair amount of performance work will be needed to make this render fast enough. If anyone is up for a challenge, feel free to join in!

The code is on github:


- Lars

[1] Mostly, anyway. It's using NED to generate hillshading and contours, and NHD for most hydrographic features (though the latter may eventually switch back to OSM).

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