* Rick Marshall <rick.marsh...@verticalgeo.com> [2013-04-23 12:37 -0500]:
> 1.  How do you mark Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI), Visual
> Approach Slope Indicator (VASI), VOR, and other Navigational Aids at
> airports.

As far as I know, there isn't a widespread way of tagging these things.  I
turned up this wiki page:


but using type= for the type of navigational aid is probably not the best
approach (because it's too generic as a tag and because it's already in
use for determining relation types).

I would probably do one of two things:

 1. tag a VOR, for example, as aeroway=navigationaid, navigationaid:type=vor 
    and add something to the aeroway=navigationaid wiki page about using
    navigationaid:type= instead of just type=.

 2. Join the tagging@ list, suggest the above as a general tagging scheme
    and see what, if anything, comes out of the resulting discussion.  You
    will need a fair bit of patience to go this route and it's a lot
    easier if you have been working with OSM data (contributing,
    consuming, or both) for a while first.

> When I tag my edits as aeroway=vasi or aeroway=papi they don't show up
> on the map. Is there a better way to tag the edits?

Not at the moment.  The main map rendering attempts to show a large subset
of the various things in the OpenStreetMap database, but it typically
doesn't go very deeply into specialized subsets of the data.  There are
other renderings that are more narrowly focused, like OpenSnowMap for ski
resorts and winter sports or ITO Map's railways view.  Things like these
navigational aids would probably only be rendered by a specialized air
traffic infrastructure map rendering, but I'm not aware of any such
renderings that actually exist at the moment.  (ITO Map has an "airport
details" map at http://www.itoworld.com/map/163 , but it's pretty

> 2.  Who decides the geographical limits of an aerodrome?

Normally, it should be the land specifically (and, usually, legally) set
aside for it.  This approach tends to work best for larger and
dedicated-use airports.  For smaller facilities where the land is
shared-use (e.g. a farm that has an airstrip on it), either you do your
best to outline only the land that is exclusively for air traffic or you
just put a node roughly in the middle of the area with the aerodrome tags
on it.

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