i think we probably need to specify this.

do we want geocoding to reference postal addresses, e.g.

123 Example Street
Anytown, IA, 12345

to resolve as a proper postal address both forwards and back, or
do we want it to resolve within some recognized boundary for
Anytown? these are different, sometimes very different. A friend of mine
lives in the Town of Colonie, County of Albany here in New York, but
he has a postal address of Schenectady (City in the County of Schenectady).

there is no single solution to both of these problems. the current
handling of this in Nominatum is so far as i know focused on
admin boundaries, and will not handle the postal address case

so what do we mean by geocoding? what do we want it to do
exactly? who is the customer and what are the use cases?


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