Explicitly state that all data is CC0. In fact, there's a handy
build-your-own-license page here:


Alternatively you could release your data under the MIT license like
Chicago does:


MIT is chosen simply to limit your liability/warranty for downstream users
of the data. Lots of local governments have custom liability waivers or
indemnification clauses on their otherwise public domain data so that
people don't sue them when their data happens to be wrong.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Elliott Plack <elliott.pl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Great news! First of all, I saved my 1000th edit the other day. Secondly,
> my organization is release all of its data into the public domain! That
> organization is Baltimore County Government. The exact timeline is
> tentative, but it is just around the corner.
> Question to you: On our website, we are uncertain as how to say, "The data
> is public domain." Can you all provide examples of other sites that provide
> data that has been imported into OSM? I want to make sure our "un-license"
> is compatible with OSM, and the Open Data in general, especially if there
> are disclaimers involved.
> Thanks,
> --
> Elliott Plack
> http://about.me/elliottp
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