Length doesn't matter. It's how the FRA classifies it. Between
Saratoga Springs and North Creek, the Saratoga and North Creek
Railroad is a common carrier. The Sanford Lake Branch, which continues
without pause from the S&NC from its MP0 just a bit north of North
Creek goes 23 miles up to Tahawus (the former community and
equally-former titanium mine). The Sanford Lake Branch is an
industrial spur owned by the owners of the mine.

(We will not go into the fact that it was carved through several
wildernesses protected by the New York State Constitution as "Forever
Wild by the federal government during WWII. When NYS objected, the
feds said more or less "Don't you know there's a war going on??")

Charlotte Wolter writes:
 >          Here's one that could provoke all sorts of opinions about tagging.
 >          The "Springerville Subdivision" off the main BNSF line. 
 > which parallels I-40 across Arizona (those mile-long trains you 
 > frequently pass), is about 60 miles long. So, it seems like a real 
 > subdivision. But, as near as I can tell, it primarily goes to one 
 > mine in the Springerville area. There are a couple of others like 
 > that, though their names escape me at the moment. So, is it a 
 > subdivision or a lead? Is the usage "industrial" (probably more 
 > research needed)? And we'd have to find out who really owns it. Hmmm.
 >          This could be fascinating
 > Charlotte
 > Charlotte Wolter
 > 927 18th Street Suite A
 > Santa Monica, California
 > 90403
 > +1-310-597-4040
 > techl...@techlady.com
 > Skype: thetechlady
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