Mike  Dupont writes:
 > On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 11:08 PM, Russ Nelson <nel...@crynwr.com> wrote:
 > > If the two were layers in the same database, or if they have been
 > > tagged using railway=dismantled and railway=abandoned, then it's no
 > > problem to look at them, render them, edit them, analyze them
 > >
 > I still dont understand why we dont support multiple layers. It would seem
 > to be the most logical thing to do and the api could support that so simple
 > clients could download a different layers each time.

The problem is keeping them in synch. If you have a node that
represents the same thing (e.g. the end of a bridge way), and it's in
two layers, what happens when somebody downloads layer 1, and moves
the node? How does it get updated in layer 2? Smarter people than me
have thought about it and seen worse problems.

--my blog is at    http://blog.russnelson.com
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