Hans De Kryger writes:
 > On Apr 2, 2015 7:08 AM, "EthnicFood IsGreat" <ethnicfoodisgr...@gmail.com>
 > wrote:
 > >
 > > It's apparent to me that consensus will never be reached on whether or
 > not abandoned railroads belong in OSM (at least the way it is currently
 > configured), given the strong feelings on both sides of the issue.  That's
 > why I think moving them to OHM is a good compromise.  I don't like it, but
 > I would rather do that than see this data lost forever.  At least in OHM,
 > the data still lives, and can always be moved back to OSM later if a
 > solution to the problem of historic features can be found.
 > +1

Okay, but Hans, what Mark wrote is incoherent. The people who want to
delete the dismantled portions of abandoned railroads from OSM want to
delete them. Those of us who want the context of the dismantled
portions to stay next to the merely abandoned or disused portions, do
NOT want to delete them. This is a binary choice: stay or go. There is
no compromise. Framing the choice to delete them as a compromise is
simply a falsehood. With your +1, you are NOT COMPROMISING, you are
saying that true things in OSM should be deleted.

Let's just be clear on that: true things in OSM, which can often be
verified in the field, are being deleted, people are supporting
that, and it's NOT A COMPROMISE.

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