On 10/22/2018 8:46 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
Could I suggest that you act cautiously wrt the tiger:reviewed tag in these
two cases?

If it's an "unknown highway type" it should probably remain as
tiger:reviewed=no. Likewise, if the surface isn't clear, then either
tiger:reviewed should continue to be =no, or there should be some other
tagging to indicate this (surface=unknown, or surface:reviewed=no, or

As one who grew up in a rural area, a country road lined with 4 houses in a mile would feel "residential" and I would tend to set it as residential in OSM. That describes most of the rural parts of this county also, except for roads that don't happen to have a house.

We could add Bing streetside to the workflow to confirm the surface type in most of the edge cases.

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