On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 12:27 PM Max Erickson <maxerick...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As other have mentioned, there are many numbered roads managed by the
> USFS. They range in development from closed, abandoned log roads to
> well maintained pavement. I map them using the FS prefix.
> For the general public one of the main uses is the publication of
> motor vehicle access conditions:
> https://www.fs.fed.us/recreation/programs/ohv/ohv_maps.shtml
I have shaped shields for them. I work from road routes, rather than direct
tagging of the ways (I've discussed in the past why direct tagging of the
ways is NOT workable for the complex overlays of route networks in North
America.) The FS routes that I'm currently capable of rendering are not
quite consistently tagged. I recognize, equivalently, network=US:FS,
network=US:NFSR:*:NFH and network=US:NFSR:*:NFR. In both of the latter
cases, the * has the name of the national forest in question, which is on
the sign.

The shield template is

For the ref=* tagging on ways, again I don't see quite a consistent system
yet. Over in Vermont east of me, I see ways tagged with ref=USFS 70, ref=FS
67 and ref=FR 224; all of these are the same network. Elsewhere in the
country, I also see FSR nnn, NFSR nnn, and probably others.  I'm continuing
to pursue rendering based on route=road, on the 'build it and they will
come' principle.

Many of these roads need unsigned_ref, since many of them aren't signed at
all (with any sort of directional signs, and often they lack hazard signs
as well).I wouldn't advise importing reference numbers without some sort of
verification that they are indeed bannered. (And yes, the Forest Service
will publish closures *by number* on unsigned roads. Go figure.)

The forest service roads range from two-lane hard-surfaced roads that can
support heavy truck traffic at 90 km/h (55 mi/h is a typical posted speed
limit on these) to rutted dirt tracks with far more than the usual quantity
of rocks and roots, requiring an off-road vehicle to navigate.

There are a lot of them.
isn't atypical for the national forest road network. (Note that my renderer
does rendering in a style like Carto's if a road has ref=* but is not a
member of a road route - that's where the plain rectangular shields are
coming from.)
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