On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 3:01 AM Mateusz Konieczny
<matkoni...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> For start, "residents only" gate is for me clearly access=private.
> "manned main gate" - is access strongly restricted?
> If nearly everybody, including vehicles, is let in I would tag it access=yes.
> It would also mean that access=destination would be better than access=private
> for inner ways of community.
> If access is strongly filtered (entrance requires permission from resident or
> guard is likely to resuse) then I would tag both gates access=private.
> Though it means that these gates are again not distinguishable.

In practice, for the gated communities that I'm familiar with, there's
not that significant a difference between access=destination and
access=private at the main gate from this standpoint. If you have
business in the community - pretty much equivalent to 'your
destination is inside the community' - you're extremely likely to have
the permission of a resident or business owner inside the gates.
Nevertheless,  if you're not a resident with a key card, you're not
going to get through the automated gates. So access=destination for
the main gate is in theory no more permissive than access=private, but
gives a router a strong indication that "here is the correct entrance
for visitors."

I agree that access=destination is also better than access=private for
roads inside the gate that are usable by visitors. (access=private is
appropriate for service ways that lead to residents-only parking and
similar things.)

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