On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 12:04 PM Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In many other matters we say we map the signage.
> That is not a bad place to start here.
> So a rule of it needs at least a name and/or a physical sign would be 
> internally consistent and predictably OSMish.

> An exception to allow for un-named de-facto parks when someone (official or 
> guerilla) is engaged in improvements and maintenance of the de-facto park 
> would be wise, to cover the corner cases where it's legally a vacant lot but 
> in reality it's a public good.
> (I type while looking out the window at one such, and no, it's not my doing.)

In my area, there are also town 'parks' that are intentionally left
undeveloped, and some of those are unsigned. They are in the town
plan, intentionally to support passive recreational activities such as
walking and bird watching, and to preserve the forested appearance of
the community. There are groups of volunteers who maintain things like
walking and MTB trails in them. I tag those 'leisure=nature_reserve
boundary=protected_area protect_class=21' for want of anything better.
I don't use 'leisure=park' for those (but I also don't disrupt the
tagging of other mappers, so if I see one tagged 'leisure=park' I
leave it alone. They may have names like 'Fieldstone Drive Park' or
Ĺock 7 Park' in the plan - but those are really just the names of
other features that front on the parcel. The green space east of the
shopping mall in https://tinyurl.com/yyyj2m3l is an example. I don't
recall there being a signed entrance. When I've gone there, I've just
parked on one of the residential streets and hopped over a guard rail
onto a trail - knowing full well that it was lawful because I'd
researched the matter..

I've not yet mapped the little area that the township owns at a corner
where two streets meet at a very acute angle (that used to be across
the street from the town hall before they built the new one). The town
keeps it pretty; it's big enough to hold a flagpole, a fountain, a
couple of flower beds and a bench or two, but it's really just a tiny
wedge of land that couldn't be put to any more profitable use. A
policeman comes out daily to raise and lower the flag. I don't think
it has a name.

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