If you fancy yourself (or know one!) a political scientist steeped enough in US 
law, history and politics sufficient to discuss subtle, nuanced topics like 
Home Rule and Dillon's law, a Discussion in our wiki could use your wisdom and 

As the OSM community in USA discussed boundary=administrative at length in 
2017, admin_level got "mostly" hashed out, with a "settled" consensus about 
COGs, MPOs, SPDs and their ilk.  (Briefly, admin_level=2 federal, 4 state, 6 
county and 8 city/town are rough rungs, 7 emerged for townships and 5 is the 
multi-county glom-of-6s New York City, OSM's only 5 in the USA).  But 
COGs/MPOs/SPDs and their ilk stuck in many craws and apparently is difficult 
for some, even many.

The topic is active again at 
 and seems to need the assistance of seasoned political scientists who can say 
whether a COG in Connecticut, for example, is "a government" or not.  (I say a 
COG/MPO is a LIMITED government, like a sewer district, so isn't "really" a 
"full spectrum" government, therefore shouldn't get an admin_level value, as 
this key associates with boundary=administrative).

Some Wikipedia links to "Home Rule in the USA" and "Dillon's Rule" are 
clickable at the end of that long Discussion, then I "run out of intellectual 
gas."  Please help this Discussion if you have this sort of knowledge / wisdom 
to contribute.

Thank you,
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