On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 9:31 AM <tj-osmw...@lowsnr.net> wrote:
> Started mapping an area of the Idaho panhandle around the Kootenai
> river. I notice that currently minor roads have a "County Road nn" name
> but TIGER2019 data also has names such as "Acacia Avenue". I think most
> map users would want to use the "Acacia Avenue" name as it what would be
> listed in postal addresses and they'd want to search it in applications
> such as OSMand. Question is how to handle this. Also, what to set the
> "ref" to for county roads.

Not an Idahoan, so take this with a grain of salt.  Does Idaho
actually have numbered county highways other than the grid streets?
(Many Western states do not.)

Most states' practice will set the 'ref' to something like 'CR 23',

It's unnecessary to have a name like 'County Road 23'. In fact, if you
do have such a name, a lot of routing software will announce, 'turn
right on CR 23, County Road 23'. If the road has no other name, add
the tag `noname=yes` to silence warnings about a tertiary highway
without a name.

Please, create a route relation for each road with a reference.
Include in the relation all the road segments that make up the route.
Minimal attributes for the relation would be `type=route route=road
network=US:ID:Boundary ref=29A` for Boundary County Road 29A. The
corresponding street segment would have `highway=tertiary
name="Chokecherry Drive" ref="CR 29A"`, and it would ideally have
attributes like surface, maxspeed, lanes, .... Having the relation
provides the data model with a way to group all the way segments;
roads get split all the time when people decide to map small bridges,
or when speed limits or lane counts changed, and so on.

73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

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