On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 6:05 PM Mike Thompson <miketh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  - The access -- somewhat common to find a pubic road imported with 
> > access=private, so if I suspect this I'll leave the tiger:reviewed=no tag 
> > until access can be confirmed, and add a note or fixme. (It's also quite 
> > common to find driveways imported as access=private. When surveying, I tend 
> > to remove the private tag if the driveway isn't gated or signed private, 
> > since access=private will prevent routing to the house at the end of the 
> > driveway, sometimes even ending the route on a different residential road 
> > that's physically closer to the house than the road the driveway's 
> > connected to.)
> I always thought that driveways to private residences and private roads 
> (whether gated or not) should be tagged as access=private.  Often these 
> private roads are posted with a sign that says something like "Private road, 
> no trespassing", or "Private Road, Residents and Guests Only."

One thing to watch out for in the countryside is that there are often
streets signed 'Xxx Drive // PRIVATE'  meaning that the road is
privately maintained, rather than meaning 'no trespassing.'

But here I think that the importance of the distinction is overblown.
I strongly suspect:

(1) People don't ordinarily want to be routed down these
privately-maintained roads (which are usually, in effect, driveways
that happen to serve more than one establishment) unless they have
business with some establishment on the road.
(2) Delivery drivers use routers that allow for access to private
drives to deliver to the associated residence.  (In effect, the person
who ordered the goods for delivery has issued an invitation to the

and hence, the public/private distinction for service ways falls in my
mental model under, 'don't worry about it.'

73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

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