On 31/08/2020 10.54, Greg Troxel wrote:
Matthew Woehlke writes:
*You* may see it this way. The rest of the community does not.

A declaration that every other member of the community disagrees is

I'm not sure if this is directed at me or at Mike. If at me, I'll point out that the fact we're having this conversation in the first place is because someone strongly disagrees with residential driveways being access=private "by default". Nor is it the first time I've encountered that opinion.

Honestly, my initial opinion on the matter was closer to Mike's, but others told me I was wrong.

   B) private shopping centers where the public is welcome, to shop.
   (access=customers, mostly)

   C) private land where use is known acceptable (access=permissive)

Even this is not clear. *My* understanding is that most businesses are closer to access=permissive, with access=customers referring more to places that are explicitly signed as "customers only". In most shopping centers, for example, it seems acceptable to go there just to walk around even with no intention of purchasing anything. (At least, I know that people do so...)


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